I've changed my website around a bunch. I have no minions for this task. Any changes trickling down through the pixelated fog of cyberspace are done solely by me. Yay... I'm not the best at this stuff. When I have a steady supply of unpaid interns to update my site, I'll make them do so. I'll reward them with caffeine, sugar, Game of Thrones episodes, and other various needs specific to students trying to survive.
The picture I just posted on this website is meant to look ridiculous. As I travel through conventions, readings, and other events where I must display some pompous writer side, I've come to laugh at myself in a effort to make my own personality palatable. I hate that feeling. To be a writer, you must learn to deal with rejection on a daily basis, so a thick skin is necessary, and sometimes being arrogant can help stem those shadows. Other times, you're just an asshole. Hopefully, this picture works on two plains, me laughing at myself, and me being a pompous jerk.
I hope everyone had a good holiday and everything else. Mine were a little bit rough because my dad got sick, but everything has stabilized now. New projects for my writing include intensifying my blogs The Greenland Diaries, and A Phantom Forest. I'm also writing the sequel to Beware the Ills which is titled The Three-Clawed Man. I'm also working on a bunch of nonfiction and a new novel idea. Fun times. Thank you everyone for your support.
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