Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Thank You Crypticon and Two New Novels

Well, I'm back from Crypticon Minnesota, and I just want to say I had a fabulous time. It was fun, invigorating, well-organized, and monstrously amazing. Thank you Crypticon Minnesota for having me, and allowing me to book my table to sell my new novel "Beware the Ills," and for promoting my apocalyptic blog "The Greenland Diaries." Thank you so much everyone who stopped by my booth and bought my novel. You guys are awesome and amazing in every way possible. Thank you for supporting me and my literary endeavors.

Speaking of which, I wanted to share a few more projects that will be coming out in the next year by me.

The first project is horror novel, straight up, with no fantasy elements. Stylistically, the novel will be very different, but fun to interpret. It'll be a mix of my third-person narration with technical documents like emails, memos, or police reports. Hopefully, it'll hit the market by spring. I'm not going to share the title of the novel, or anything about it. I guarantee you, it'll be an interesting thing to read.

My second project will be a sequel to "Beware the Ills." Unlike the first novel, my sequel "The Phantom Cage," will explain more about the world of the cursed island, and what exactly makes things so hideous for everyone on this cold chunk of evergreen ice. You'll find exactly what the invaders are after, who is being sent there, and an explanation of the Guardian. All that vagueness from "Beware the Ills" will be rewarded by "The Phantom Cage." Also, the sequel will play with first-person perspectives, only it will switch between the old guardian, an assassin, and the new guardian. You'll be getting a much broader view of the conflict on the cursed island. The potential release date for "The Phantom Cage" will be August 1st.

Anyways, these are my little hints of my new projects. "The Greenland Diaries" will of course continue, and become even more villainous. I'm debating about whether to release it as a book also, but we'll see. Thank you everyone for your support. More stuff is coming, so stay tuned.  

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